Now reading

OOTD: Librarian Chic

OOTD: Librarian Chic

No, I don’t wear glasses, but I this outfit made me feel all academic and librarian-ish, so I decided to go along with the theme and pull out some old black frames.

And of course, what’s a librarian without some high-quality literature to read??? lol

Remember years and years ago when most plus-size clothes consisted of flowy semi-sheer tops that you would pair with a tank? Well, this is one of them…it’s from Lane Bryant circa 2000! It’s the old LB Venezia line. Remember that?!? Well, I keep things FOREVER and am not a fan of the whole “if you haven’t worn it in a year, throw it out” theory. I just stick things away in suitcases and rediscover them years later! The sweater that I pulled over the top is also over 8 years old, from Old Navy! I added a short black skirt from Forever 21, some black tights and low heels…and of course the glasses…and thus, my librarian chic look was born. 🙂

Now…pardon me, while I get back to my fine, high-brow reading material, Buckhorn Rising. 🙂

1 Comment
  • April Sharpe says:

    You are too cute! I don't believe in tossing out clothes either, unless they have stains that won't come out, holes, or just don't fit properly (in which case I donate, not throw away). If I threw away everything I didn't wear in a year I wouldn't have very many clothes!