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Beauty and the Blogger: A night of pampering at the Ruby Room

Beauty and the Blogger: A night of pampering at the Ruby Room

What a fantastic event this was! Last week, the wonderful staff at Ruby Room here in Chicago graciously hosted an event called “Beauty and the Blogger.” It was a night of delightful pampering…both body and spirit. I’ve been to the Ruby Room before to buy makeup, but I had no idea they had a full salon and spa…and a whole floor dedicated to spiritual healing!

Ready to be pampered! 
During the event, the staff provided touch-ups on hair and makeup…I even got my bangs trimmed and my eyebrows evened out!
The hair stylist trimmed my bangs and gave me a bit of a rocker-chic look with some loose waves. I wish I had the patience to do this to my hair everyday!
A makeup artist from Senna was on hand to help us pick the perfect products. I ended up getting a totally new shade of lipstick…a bright purple-ish pink, which I never would chosen on my own!
About to get some new makeup. 🙂

And what kind of pampering event would it be without delicious mini cupcakes?? They even had gluten-free versions that were fantastic.

My friend Perry of Alluring Chicago and I had such a blast at this event!

I love my outfit! Peplum skirt from Asos; Animal print shirt from Forever 21; Belt from Lane Bryant.

I didn’t take pictures of the upstairs at the Ruby Room, but it’s full of spiritual-related items. They have intuitive readers and healers on hand to help you get/stay grounded. I had an intuitive reading, and got my chakra cleansed. 🙂

I’ll definitely be going back to the Ruby Room! If you haven’t been lately, be sure to check it out!